Websites: My Own Projects

Universite Nouvelle des Antilles

Universite Nouvelle des Antilles

This website has been realized for a private university in Haiti. This project was not a small one because the website had a lot of pages, including many pictures and conditional online forms for registration. This project was another opportunity to make something new for another business category.

Boulangerie Adventiste d’Haiti

Boulangerie Adventiste d’Haiti

This is another project where I worked with ardor because I wanted to make something special to enhance my portfolio. This project was not a small one because there were a lot of products to showcase, even if they didn’t offer an online purchase option.

Memory’s Photo

Memory’s Photo

This website could be classified among the small ones because the customer just wanted to show some information about the service he offered without giving a lot of details. It has easy navigation with only a few elements in the menu and no submenus or sidebar menus. The customer wanted it as simple as possible; it was, in fact, for a photography studio.

Radio Ayeka International

Radio Ayeka International

This project was mainly a redesign of an existing website. Built on the Wix platform, this website was modified using the same technology. I had to bring more life and a better look to existing pages so the website could reach its goals for the target audience.

Diles Haiti

Diles Haiti

This website is among my oldest, because I developed it using the old technology that existed to build websites, namely Dreamweaver. It was, in fact, a static one where the content was not in any database but in the page itself, where any changes should be made using either the software used to develop it and repost it online or the inline code to make to changes.

Haiti Dialyse

Haiti Dialyse

This website was first built using the static version of HTML, even if that version had a beautiful webform for taking appointments. But after some time, a new version was realized using, evidently, WordPress to bring more dynamism to the content creation, the update, and even the form that was updated, which also had many conditional items.